FAQ – Frequently Googled Questions About Michael Harding Oil Paints

Question: Do MH Oil paints have an expiration date or ‘shelf life’?

Answer: No, MH Oil paints do not have an expiration date or shelf life. However, it is important to properly store and care for your paints to ensure their longevity and optimal performance.

 To extend the lifespan of your MH Oil paints, it is recommended to store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Additionally, it is advisable to store the paints with their caps tightly sealed to prevent air exposure, which can lead to drying and thickening of the paint.

It’s worth noting that MH Oil paints are formulated without the use of any binders, fillers, or other additives. This means that the paints consist solely of high-quality pigments and a pure linseed oil medium. By excluding these additional components, MH Oil paints maintain their integrity and do not undergo typical expiration or degradation processes associated with certain additives.

Another helpful tip is to store your paints cap down. This practice allows any settling or separation of pigment to occur at the bottom of the tube, making it easier to mix the paint thoroughly before use. It also helps maintain the consistency and quality of the paint over time.

By following these storage and care guidelines, you can ensure that your MH Oil paints, free from binders, fillers, or other additives, remain in good condition and provide you with vibrant and consistent results for your artistic endeavors.

Question: Are Michael Harding oil paints suitable for beginners?

Answer: Yes, Michael Harding oil paints are suitable for artists of all skill levels, including beginners. Their high-quality pigments and smooth consistency make them a great choice for both experienced artists and those new to oil painting.

Question: Can I mix Michael Harding oil paints with other brands?

Answer: Yes, you can mix Michael Harding oil paints with other brands of oil paints.

Question: Are Michael Harding oil paints lightfast?

Answer: Yes, Michael Harding oil paints are known for their exceptional lightfastness. They are made with high-quality pigments that have been tested for color permanence, ensuring that your artwork retains its vibrancy and resists fading over time.

Question: Do Michael Harding oil paints have a strong odor?

Answer: Michael Harding oil paints are made with pure, high-grade linseed oil, which can have a mild natural odor. However, the odor is generally not overpowering or unpleasant. Adequate ventilation in your studio space can help minimize any odors during the painting process.

Question: Do Michael Harding oil paints contain solvents?

Answer: No, Michael Harding oil paints do not contain solvents. They are formulated without the use of solvents, which makes them popular among artists who are sensitive to solvents or suffer from migraines triggered by traditional oil paints. Many artists have found that using Michael Harding oil paints has been life-changing, allowing them to continue painting without the discomfort caused by solvents in other paint brands.

Question: Are Michael Harding oil paints suitable for plein air painting?

Answer: Yes, many artists find Michael Harding oil paints to be excellent for plein air painting. Their high pigment load, smooth consistency, and ability to retain brushstrokes make them a popular choice for capturing the colors and textures of the natural landscape.

Question: Can I use Michael Harding oil paints for alla prima (wet-on-wet) painting technique?

Answer: Absolutely! Michael Harding oil paints are well-suited for alla prima painting. Their buttery consistency and excellent blendability make them ideal for creating spontaneous and expressive brushwork.

Question: Are Michael Harding oil paints suitable for impasto (thick application) painting?

Answer: Absolutely! Michael Harding oil paints have a rich, heavy-bodied consistency that makes them perfect for impasto techniques. Their high pigment concentration ensures vibrant results even when applied in thick layers.

Question: Can I use Michael Harding oil paints for glazing techniques?

Answer: Absolutely! Michael Harding oil paints are well-suited for glazing techniques. Their rich pigments and excellent transparency allow for layering and building up thin, translucent glazes to achieve depth and luminosity in your artwork.

Question: How do I clean my brushes after using Michael Harding oil paints?


To clean your brushes after using Michael Harding oil paints, follow these steps:

1. Remove excess paint: Wipe off any excess paint from your brush using a rag or paper towel. Gently squeeze the bristles to remove as much paint as possible.

2. Prepare a cleaning solution: Fill a container with a small amount of mild dishwashing soap or washing up liquid. Add warm water to create a soapy solution.

3. Clean the brushes: Swirl the brush in the soapy water, making sure to work the bristles to loosen any remaining paint. You can also gently massage the bristles with your fingers to help remove stubborn paint.

4. Rinse the brushes: Once the brush appears clean, rinse it under warm running water. Gently squeeze the bristles to remove any soap residue.

5. Repeat if necessary: If there is still paint residue on the brush, repeat steps 2 to 4 until it is fully clean.

6. Reshape the bristles: After cleaning, gently reshape the bristles of the brush with your fingers to restore their original form.

7. Dry the brushes: Place the brushes on a clean towel or hang them with the bristles facing downward to allow them to air dry completely. Avoid using heat sources such as hair dryers, as they can damage the bristles.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean your brushes after using Michael Harding oil paints, ensuring their longevity and maintaining their performance for future use.

Question: Are Michael Harding oil paints suitable for use on different surfaces besides canvas?

 Answer: Yes, Michael Harding oil paints can be used on various surfaces, including canvas, wood, paper, and more. It is recommended to properly prepare the surface and use appropriate primers or grounds for optimal adhesion and longevity.

Question: Are Michael Harding oil paints environmentally friendly?

Answer: Michael Harding is committed to producing oil paints that are environmentally responsible. We strive to use sustainable practices and source our pigments ethically, minimizing the impact on the environment.

You can find out more about that here: 

Question: Could you please provide guidance on which of your oil paint colours are organic or inorganic, and are they sourced naturally like the paints used by the old masters?

Answer: In the realm of chemistry, “organic” denotes pigments derived from elements associated with life, such as carbon and hydrogen. These organic pigments, akin to the ingredients of nature’s palette, imbue paintings with a vivid spectrum of colours, reminiscent of the lush landscapes and rich tapestries depicted by the old masters.

Conversely, inorganic pigments, often sourced from minerals found in the earth, offer a subtler, more muted range of tones. These pigments, reminiscent of the earth colours favoured by historical painters, contribute to a sense of depth and realism in artworks.

Notably, the old masters utilised a combination of both organic and inorganic pigments, drawing from natural sources such as plants and minerals. This synthesis of materials allowed for a nuanced expression of colour and texture in their masterpieces.

To delve deeper into the intricate world of pigments and their historical significance, I recommend exploring the section on pigments in Ralph Mayer’s “The Artist’s Handbook of Materials and Techniques,” particularly on page 31, where he delves into the nuances of pigment chemistry and its application in artistic practice.