Series 2

Kings Blue Light

(No. 211)

Michael Harding Cerulean Blue artist's oil paint


InorganicThis name was given by English manufacturers to smalt, a cobalt-based pigment that was used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as a less expensive alternative to Lapis Lazuli. Unfortunately, smalt tends to fade into a light grey, as some Veronese skies demonstrate. But the introduction of Ultramarine Blue made the original smalt formula obsolete, and so I offer a completely reliable substitute blend that evokes the aerial effects of the great Venetian decorators.

Colour Index PB29, PW6
Drying Average
Transparency Opaque
Lightfastness Excellent
Oil Content Low
Tint Power Average
Toxicity Non-Toxic
ASTM D-4236

Series 2

Kings Blue Light (No. 211)


InorganicThis name was given by English manufacturers to smalt, a cobalt-based pigment that was used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as a less expensive alternative to Lapis Lazuli. Unfortunately, smalt tends to fade into a light grey, as some Veronese skies demonstrate. But the introduction of Ultramarine Blue made the original smalt formula obsolete, and so I offer a completely reliable substitute blend that evokes the aerial effects of the great Venetian decorators.

Colour Index PB29, PW6
Drying Average
Transparency Opaque
Lightfastness Excellent
Oil Content Low
Tint Power Average
Toxicity Non-Toxic
ASTM D-4236